Well, this is the end of the line for this segment, here we leave SpringDay and Ana Mae with the babysitters Tom and Susan, friends and crew on Ana Mae. She is nice and secure all Tom has to do is check lines, fenders, voltage and bilges while we are gone. The girls(boats) will be in Puerto Vallarta for Christmas getting sun kissed, a beauty rest and a weekly massage. As for Don and I we look forward to spending time with family, Skipper will turn Farmer a couple of days to check out the orchards, then back to Skipper again to plan SpringDay's bright future just ahead.
Pete and Bea who live in PV in the winter paid us a visit
Dante Gallery in PV is fun to visit, with a lot of different mediums, an interior garden area and beautiful bronze sculptures. I took a picture of this painting it reminds me of my sister's style of painting. Christiane, your paintings belong in great galleries around the world, you are the best! I miss you.
Kay and I took one day to explore shops and look at art galleries.
This sculpture by a Mexican artist represents the resolve of the American people to rise above the tribulations of September 11 in New York. It was a touching tribute I did not expect to see in another country.

Walking down the street between galleries, I feel a tap on my shoulder, " Lili ?" Friends of my sister, Richard and Claude from Montreal come to PV every year. They saw me walking by, I had not seen them or spoken with them for maybe ten years! What are the odds?

The next chapter of my world on water will resume on January 13 Who will join us, what will inspire me in the next two thousand mile stretch to the Panama canal?
Thinking of you...
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